Here are a few scenarios you should be prepared for when having your team work the door checking in guests:
1) How do we handle someone if they are not on the list?
2) How do we handle guest who bring plus 1s, and their plus 1 is not on the list?
3) How do we handle substitutions? Someone says, “I’m taking ‘said guest’ place because ‘said guest’ isn’t attending?
4) How do we handle early plus 1s not on the list. i.e “Said guest is on the way, so she/he said I can get in.”
5) Will any guest need to be escorted to a reserved/VIP section?
6) Do you anticipate guests arriving all at the same time or staggered? (this will determine how many people should be checking in guests) –
7) If you haven’t thought about it, we recommend that you add your staff to the guest list too.
By the way, here are your ratios of staff to guest(s)
Using check-in app – 1:100
Nametags only – 1:75
Seat assignments – 1:50